STAAR Testing

Nimra Rashid, Staff Writer


It’s that time of year again, that’s right, testing time. With STAAR just a couple of days away, every student at Lone Star who will be testing is studying all night to make sure they get the grades they want.

STAAR testing brings a lot of stress onto students, because nobody wants to fail tests they’ve spent all year preparing for.

“I studied really hard to ensure my success,” Sarah Ray, 2018, said.

And she’s not the only one. Almost every student worked really hard to make sure they were one hundred percent prepared for the four houred test they would be taking in a couple of days.

“I was really nervous for mine,” Isabel Murphy, 2017, said. “But I think i did pretty well on it, considering I worked really hard.”

Many students were scared that the test put in front of them would be completely unfamiliar. Some felt as if they weren’t prepared enough for it, but the teachers claimed to work very hard to make sure every student was prepared.

“We’ve been preparing for the test all year,” Vice, English teacher, said. “Some students who don’t pay attention like to blame it on the teacher, but little do they know, we’ve taught them everything.”

Some students even admit to paying attention especially on the week before the tests. Reviewing all night, listening closely during class, finishing all of the review packets and studying hard.

“I was more intensive during the week before the tests because I realized how close they were, and I decided to pay close attention,” Naeha Rashid, 2016, said.

Nonetheless, every student has been working hard for the tests. Sitting in the room for four hours and taking a test isn’t exactly the most fun thing to do. but it is definitely the most nerve-wracking.

“I’m looking forward to getting the tests over with,” Kayla Ballero, 2018, said.

STAAR tests should be something every student can handle because of the preparation they’ve took on. With the tests just around the corner, students of Lone Star High School are making the most of the days they have left to fill their minds with more knowledge.

“No matter how hard the tests are,” Sarah Ray, 2018, said. “I can take it.”